Regional Conference Regarding Migration (CRM) Extraordinary Declaration

The Deputy Ministers and Directors of Migration and authorities of the government of Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador, United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, and the Dominican Republic, All countries that are members of the Regional Conference Regarding Migration (CRM), gathering in Panama City, on the occasion of the visit of the countryside in the providence of Darien the 24th of March and the plenary meeting created the 25th of March, 2022, they have approved the following declaration:


The CRM recognized that the irregular flows of migration and the forced displacement in the region are complications that have increased significantly with economic, sociopolitical, and environmental consequences that have generated mixed flows that include, among others, economic migrant populations in vulnerable situations such as children, adolescents, women and elderly, and those who seek international protection.

The CRM began to become preoccupied for the high risks that migrates faced, asylum seekers and refugees in the actual context, including the possibility to be victims of organized crime, violence and insecurity in their trajectory.

We would like to reiterate the importance and our commitment to promote and reinforce effective immigration policies and stronger systems that help and protect in the region, respecting human rights of all migrants and facilitating access for international protection.

We would like to reaffirm the principals and established approach in the CRM Charter, especially the principals of Shared Responsibility, rule of law, human rights and international cooperation, we recommend the implementation of the following actions:

  • Coordinate with the civil society organizations and international organizations the elaboration of the roadmap at the regional level, with points and objectives in common with short and medium terms which include the possibility to provide humanitarian assistance, international protection and alternative forms of complementary protection and other forms of protection, regular migration mechanisms and border management.

  • Promote and maintain dialogue with countries of origin, transit and destination for a joint approach to extra-regional and intra-regional flows.

  • Expand cooperation in international development to create economic opportunities in communities of origin, with short term impact, to address the main causes of migration.

  • Address the extra-regional migration as a permanent theme in the dialogue with the South American Conference on Migration (CSM), as part of a joint agenda

  • Carry out campaigns on the risks of irregular migration, particularly the danger posed by the Darien region, both due to natural inclement weather and organized crime, with the goal to discourage transit through that route

  • Support and work together with the host communities of these flows

  • Assess Panama´s proposal for the implementation at the regional level of the training course based on the model of the Humanitarian Border Security Unit, with the support of the IOM and other international organizations, aimed at representatives of border security and migration institutions.

  • Maximize visibility and access to regular migration pathways throughout the region for protection, employment, and family reunification

  • Strengthen the exchange of information and coordination for joint operations, investigations, and criminal prosecution to monitor and combat the crimes of human trafficking and smuggling of migrants.

  • Coordinate with the Comprehensive Regional Framework for Protection and Solutions (MIRPS), as appropriate, the articulation of synergies in addressing these flows.

We appreciate the support and joint work with the observer organizations of the RCM and with civil society organizations, especially those present in the Darien area, which work in the protection and assistance to the populations that move on this route.

We recognize the Government of Panama for the efforts and work it carries out in coordination with the United Nations System, other international organizations and civil society for the integral and humanitarian attention of populations in international mobility.

The RCM reaffirms its commitment to promote regional actions to strengthen effective migration governance and protect the human rights of people who transit through our territories, especially those in situations of vulnerability. It recognizes that, as stated in the Global Compact on Migration, only through safe, orderly and regular migration will the region optimize the benefits that regular migration cycles imply for countries of origin, transit, destination and return and for migrants themselve.